Oct 05, · Every thesis requires a list of the sources used while writing the thesis, usually even if full bibliographical references are provided in footnotes or endnotes. A list of references or works cited normally contains only those sources actually cited in the thesis, whereas a bibliography can also contain any additional sources consulted Sep 16, · If you put something in a footnote, you're signalling that the reader should skip it on first reading and they should only investigate if something is unclear, or if it's a second reading and they need all the details. The drawback to footnotes is that they are often more tantalising than they should blogger.coms: 1 Jan 12, · PhD thesis, Murdoch University, Moreno, Antonio F. Church, State, and Civil Society in Post-authoritarian Philippines: Narratives of Engaged Citizenship. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, Beller, Benjamin J. "Fire History of the Peron Peninsula, Shark Bay, Western Australia Based on Remote Sensing Dendrochronology, and Author: Jean Coleman
In-Text References, Footnotes, Endnotes, Tables & Figures in PhD Theses
A consistent style for footnotes must be followed throughout your thesis. If necessary, Word can convert footnotes to endnotes.
Extra section breaks can have an adverse affect on page numbering and margins, see Troubleshooting page numbers in theses. As in the list of references or the bibliography, footnote entries should be single-spaced, phd thesis footnotes, with spacing between entries. Should you have difficulty placing endnotes at the end of a chapter or essay opt for one of these two methods :. Formatting your thesis: Footnotes and endnotes. Font Arial 10pt. Single-spaced with spacing between entries.
Each footnote must consist of a single paragraph, phd thesis footnotes. When inserting footnotes, use Word's phd thesis footnotes feature. The exception would be footnotes for objects, such as Tables, Figures, etc. Please see Tables, Figures, and Illustrations for how to manually insert footnotes for objects. If some of the text in a footnote won't change e. If a footnote's reference number isn't superscripted in the text or the footnote area, apply phd thesis footnotes Footnote Reference style to the reference number.
To edit all footnotes in one window to ensure formatting consistency and uniformity: Choose View, Draft or click the respective icon at the bottom right of the Word screen Find a footnote reference number in your document and phd thesis footnotes it Your screen will split, and all the footnotes will appear in the bottom window Choose View, Print Layout to exit the split screen Make the formatting uniform: If necessary, superscript footnote numbers by applying the Footnote Reference style.
Remove extra paragraph markers appearing within or between footnotes, phd thesis footnotes. To remove a paragraph marker between footnotes, try deleting one and, if you get an error message, try removing the other one. Moving endnotes to the end of each chapter At the end of each chapter, type in an Endnotes or Notes heading Apply Heading 2 style to the heading Insert a next-page Section Break.
After doing this, your endnotes should appear after each section break. Please note that footnotes can be converted to endnotes. Footnotes are preferable to endotes and may: be numbered sequentially throughout the document the template is designed phd thesis footnotes do this.
be numbered throughout each chapter or part. appear at the bottom of the page, at the end of the chapter, or at the end of the entire text. Should you have difficulty placing endnotes at the end of a chapter or essay opt for one of these two methods : Convert your endnotes to footnotes this is considered a good practice for your readers as footnotes appear on the page on which they are referenced OR Place a Section Break where you'd like your endnotes to start, phd thesis footnotes. If this creates a problem with pagination, see Troubleshooting page numbers in theses.
Inserting a Footnote in Word (Turabian Footnote-Bib. Style)
, time: 3:00Formatting your thesis: Footnotes and endnotes | SFU Library
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