Feb 12, · Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian campaign in #4 As First Consul, Napoleon became the head of the Republican government in France. By June , Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes was the most influential figure of the French Directory, a five-member committee which governed blogger.com his return from an expedition in Egypt, Napoleon got together in an alliance with Sieyès, his brother Oct 25, · It is crime-free and secure cyberspace. Our service uses the latest security gains to protect your essay details, personal data, and financial operations from any internal and external Memoirs Of Napoleon Bonaparte, V13 & V14|Louis Antoine Fauvelet De Bourrienne dangers. A user-friendly privacy policy ensures your confidentiality is preserved while a refund policy guarantees % Nov 21, · Free essay proposal:: what can you do to protect the environment essay - Essay napoleon bonaparte
Memoirs Of Napoleon Bonaparte The Court Of The First Empire Part Three|Baron C. F. De Meneval.
Napoleon Bonaparte — is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. Starting as a second lieutenant in a French regiment, essay on napoleon bonaparte, he rose to prominence during the French Revolution as a general of the Revolutionary government against the Royalist forces. He rapidly rose through the ranks through his military genius ultimately becoming the Emperor of the French in The army commanded by him is known as the Grande Armée Great Army and he led it to a series of historic victories that gave the French Empire an unprecedented grip on power over the European continent.
Hugely popular among the masses, Napoleon also carried out various influential reforms including the implementation of Napoleonic Codea legal code which served as a model for many countries across the world, essay on napoleon bonaparte.
Countries in Europe came together against Napoleon forming one coalition after another. He was triumphant against them for years but was finally defeated in the War of the Sixth Coalition. He was able to escape from exile to became Emperor again for a brief period but lost the famous Battle of Waterloo, ending his political and military career.
Though many aspects of his life are controversial, Napoleon Bonaparte remains one of the most celebrated figures in history. Here are his 10 major accomplishments. Napoleon graduated from the prestigious Royal Military School of Paris in and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the La Fère artillery regiment of France.
His initial military career was unexceptional as essay on napoleon bonaparte took long leaves of absence. The French Revolution was widespread and violent by Some citizens had began supporting the Royalist faction and had taken up arms against the Revolutionary forces. France was at civil war and it was also engaged with other countries, who wanted to take advantage of the political scenario.
Toulon was an important naval base in the south coast of France where the rebels had invited British Ships to take on the R evolutionary army.
Toulon had excellent defenses and reclaiming it was a challenge. The Revolutionary army began the siege of the port on 29th August, As destiny would play itself, the commander of the artillery division was injured during the conflict and the 24 year old Napoleon was promoted to his place.
Napoleon showed great skill with his keen manoeuvres and understanding of the terrain. He captured a hill from where the republican guns dominated the battle. The British were eventually forced to flee and the port fell soon afterwards. This remarkable victory made Napoleon an overnight hero and he was promoted to Brigadier General.
Although the social reforms resulting from the French Revolution were received favorably by most people in France, many considered the Revolutionary Government as anti-Catholic.
On 5th October or 13 Vendemiaire Y ear 4 according to the French Republican calendar, the Royalists gathered enough support to raise an armed rebellion against the National Convention. This led to the B attle of 13 Vendémiaire between the Royalists forces and the Revolutionary Government on the streets of Paris. Outnumbered at 5, against the 30, Royalist armythe government found itself in a precarious situation. Napoleon arrived at the Convention to inquire about the commotion.
He was quickly ordered to take command under Paul Barras and defend the Republic. Napoleon, realizing that artillery would be the key to defense, essay on napoleon bonaparte, ordered his officers to seize large cannons and use them to repel the attackers.
The cannons firing grapeshot into the massed royalist forces cleared the streets and battalions supporting the artillery also cut down the advancing Royalist ranks. Bonaparte commanded throughout the two-hour engagement and the legend of his calm and strategic military leadership grew.
The defeat of the royalist insurrection ended the threat to the Convention and made Napoleon a household name in France. He was promoted to Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Interior. During the French Revolution, the First Coalition was established against France.
It comprised of several nations including Austria; Prussia; England; and Piedmont and numerous other smaller Italian states. He attacked promptly with his 37, essay on napoleon bonaparte, men against a larger Austrian army in the Battle of Montenotte. He then launched an all-out invasion of Piedmond, knocking them out of war within a few weeks. Placing Mantua under siege he inflicted a series of defeats on the Coalition in the battles of Lodi, Lonato, Castiglione, Bassano, Arcole and decisively at Rivoli in January Bonaparte became increasingly influential in French politics during the Italian Campaign.
His army capturedprisoners, essay on napoleon bonaparte, cannons and standards. By JuneEmmanuel Joseph Sieyes was the most influential figure of the French Directorya five-member committee which governed France. On his return from an expedition in Egypt, Napoleon got together in an alliance with Sieyès, his brother Lucien and others to overthrew the Directory and clos e down the Council of Five Hundredthe lower house.
This coup took place on 9 November and is famously called the Coup of 18th Brumaire referring to the date according to the revolutionary calendar. Napoleon Bonaparte was successful in bringing about revolutionary reforms for the citizens of France while keeping religious leaders reasonably happy. Catholicism was made the state religion but freedom of worship was also assured.
The lands and assets owned by the church were nationalized and French citizens could own and transfer their properties. Administrative departments were centralized; corruption and embezzlement were strongly dealt with; and law and order were maintained effectively. Napoleon was keen on improving the business environment in France. He reformed the commercial and industrial sectors making trade restrictions lenient and providing support for trade.
He encouraged small businesses providing loans from the Central Bank of France and reduced the rate of unemployment. The tax system was reformed making taxes simpler and direct, essay on napoleon bonaparte. Land reforms were also brought about and government spent more on agriculture bringing i n modern methods of farming. Napoleon also laid the foundation for modern French Education, essay on napoleon bonaparte.
He founded a number of state secondary schools, known as lycées, which were designed to standardize education across France. Through education, Napoleon aimed to build a strong and modern France focusing on science, math, essay on napoleon bonaparte and political sciences.
The University of France was founded by Napoleon in It had 17 branches or faculties distributed throughout France. University education was brought under state control and this ended the disagreement between the church and the state. Attempts to bring a common civil code had failed during the revolution.
The Code Napoleon was based on the idea that laws must be based on common sense and equality rather than on custom, societal division and the rule of kings. The moral justification for its existence was not that it came from God or a monarch or in this case an emperoressay on napoleon bonaparte, but because it was rational and just.
The code may seem rudimentary in many elements today but it was revolutionary in those times and for many years it was used as a template around the world. Napoleon was essay on napoleon bonaparte present at nearly half of the Senate discussions and the code was enacted in across the whole of France and, byacross French controlled territories.
The Napoleonic Code was used by many nations who wanted to move towards modernization through legal reforms. It has been called one of the few documents to have influenced the whole world. War of the Third Coalitionspanning from towas fought between France against a essay on napoleon bonaparte of the Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Austria, Britain and others.
Knowing the strength of the British Royal NavyNapoleon employed diversionary tactics but the plan failed and British were victorious at Battle of Cape Finisterre in July Realizing his weakened position, he then planned to destroy the Austrian armies before they were joined by their allies from Russia.
The French Army marched with secrecy and attacked the Austrians at the fortress at Ulm. They performed what is now called the Ulm Manoeuvre. They cut off the Austrians and captured 60, enemies at the loss of soldiers. The B attle of Ulm is widely regarded as a strategic masterpieces among war historians. This was followed by the Battle of Austerlitz, essay on napoleon bonaparte.
Wanting to lure his enemies into battle, Napoleon feigned weakness on numerous occasions including abandoning the dominant Pratzen Heights near the village of Austerlitz. Deploying his army below the Pratzen Heights he deliberately weakened his right flank and lured the enemy in.
He then plugged the gap just in time. The allied cent er was demolished and the French enveloped the enemy, essay on napoleon bonaparte. Also known as the Battle of Three Emperors Napoleon, Tsar Alexander I and Holy Roman Emperor Francis IIit is considered as a tactical masterpiece because of the near-perfect execution. The Battle of Austerlitz brought the Third Coalition to a rapid end and it is regarded as the greatest victory ever achieved by Napoleon and his Grande Armée.
After a British financed assassination plot was uncovered, Napoleon decided to increase his control and influence. He thus established what historians call the First French Empire. His coronation took place on 2 nd December Napoleon reigned as emperor for a period of around 10 years ; till April 6, Essay on napoleon bonapartethe Fourth Coalition was formed between Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, Sweden and Saxony against the rising French Empire.
At this time, France was politically reorganizing German territory threatening the Prussian influence in the region and they decided to challenge the dominance. Napoleon invaded Prussia withtroops, rapidly marching on the right bank of the River Saale and handing them a crushing defeat in the Battles of Jena and Auerstedt. He then engaged with the Russian forces finally defeating them in the bloody Battle of Friedland on 14th of June Soon Czar Alexander pushed for peace leading to the Treatise of Tilsit.
His empire extended over much of Western Europe and into Poland, essay on napoleon bonaparte. At its height init had departments and ruled over 70 million subjects. It maintained an extensive military presence in Germany, Italy, Spain and the Duchy of Warsawand could count Prussia and Austria essay on napoleon bonaparte nominal allies.
Napoleon thus made France the dominant power in much of continental Europe. War of the Fifth Coalition was fought in between France and Bavaria and the coalition essay on napoleon bonaparte Austrian Kingdom and Great Britain. It started on April 10 with the Austrian army under Archduke Charles invading Bavaria. When Napoleon hurriedly arrived on the 17th, the French army was in a perilous position with two wings separated by 75 miles joined only by a thin cordon of Bavarian troops.
Napoleon needed to do something quickly to save his left flank. This led to the victory of the French in the Battle of Eckmühl. However, on May 21Archduke Charles became the essay on napoleon bonaparte to defeat Napoleon in the Battle of Aspern-Essling sending ripples across all of Europe.
Napoleon Bonaparte Short Biography
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