For example, the Cato Institute has challenged the claim that the effects of warming will be catastrophic. Likewise, the Heartland Institute has disputed the claim of consensus among natural scientists on global warming. Thus, global warming has been the subject of Nov 15, · Criminology persuasive essay topics world war 2 short essay essay on global warming and its effects. Argumentative essay on meditation how long is an one page essay. Essay on innovative ideas for zero plastic waste school events, how to write very good essays Devastating Effects of Global Warming 1. Melting of Glaciers. The melting of glaciers will create a plethora of problems for humankind and the animals living on the to increased global warming, the level of the sea will rise which will lead to flooding
Essay on Global Warming with Samples ( & words) - Leverage Edu
You are asked in the question to discuss the causes of global warming and possible solutions for individuals and the government. Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
Probably the most worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global warming. This essay will examine the reasons why global warming is occurring and discuss some possible solutions.
The predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of CO2 and deforestation. CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes from several sources, but the most problematic are those coming from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants, essay on global warming and its effects. This releases thousands of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.
Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for transportation, which continues to grow because of our demand for cars and also our increasing worldwide consumption, resulting in an escalating need to transport goods. Also, forests store large amounts of carbon, so deforestation is causing larger amounts of CO2 to remain in the atmosphere.
Nevertheless, there are potential ways to solve these problems, or at least reduce the effects. Firstly, governments need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and promote alternatives, essay on global warming and its effects. Plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power are all things that are a step in the right direction, but governments need to enforce the limits on CO2 emissions for the polluting industries in their countries for these to be effective.
Also, individuals can play a part by making lifestyle changes. People should try to buy cars with the best fuel economy, and only use their car when really necessary. They can also switch to energy companies that use renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. Finally, small things like buying energy efficient light bulbs, turning off electricity in the house, and planting trees in the garden can help.
To conclude, although global warming is essay on global warming and its effects serious issue, there are steps that governments and individuals can take to reduce its effects. If we are to save our planet, it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned. I know that's not academic language, but it's the truth! View the eBooks. Over pages packed full of information. Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community.
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