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Writing Your First Case Report - Enago Academy
Views 30, Case reports have been described as being inferior and the weakest level of clinical evidence. While it is dissertation writing services in singapore 2020 that a journal case report cannot supersede the power of a clinical trial for the evidence based data it generates, the case report still has an important role to play in the medical literature. Case reports serve the function of proposing new hypotheses and sharing clinical observations that can then become the focus of a larger scientific study.
Writing a report about a rare disease may be the primary way to publicize it, as small patient numbers would make it unlikely that such a disease would ever be part of a clinical trial or other research investigation.
Learning how to write a case report is a skill that early stage researchers may need to acquire. This obviously raised awareness of these illnesses in the medical and scientific communities which has spawned many research endeavors that seek to treat and cure these diseases. Case reports initially started as more anecdotal discussions between physicians but have since been formalized into a more scholarly format. One of the best ways to tackle any piece of scholarly work is to seek to understand its purpose.
A case report is most useful when it. Related: Finished drafting your case report? Check these journal selection guidelines now! Before writing a case reportit might be a good idea to check if the case fits these criteria:. The format for the case report will be dictated by the target journal. A typical case report includes the:. The title and the abstract are two key components of any academic article.
These sections are both freely available and readers typically go through the abstract to determine if they want to read the full case report. An interesting or catchy title might help attract readers to the study. Authors may choose to write the title after the rest of the report to ensure it reflects the tone of the predominant issue in the case report.
The title and abstract are used to index your case report in order to facilitate literature search. While some journals require an introduction, other journals prefer that the case description directly follows the abstract. The introduction should provide the required context to the readers to understand why the authors chose to publish the case report.
However, authors must ensure that it is not an extensive literature review. The case description should proceed chronologically and provide sufficient details to the readers to understand how the authors arrived at the diagnosis and why they chose to administer the treatments. In this section, it is essential to provide only the information needed to properly describe the case.
Authors must exclude any data that is not essential dissertation writing services in singapore 2020 understanding the diagnosis and treatment, dissertation writing services in singapore 2020. In the discussion section, authors should justify their opinions and make suitable recommendations. Authors should assess the particular case for accuracy and novelty. Extensive literature review should be avoided. In most cases, journals limit the references associated with a case report to no more than 15 papers.
It is important to adhere to the case report format prescribed by the journal. It is also important to obtain required patient consent and to follow the guidelines specified by the respective institutional review board. Enago Academy, the knowledge arm of Enago, offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources on academic research and scholarly publishing to all levels of scholarly professionals: students, dissertation writing services in singapore 2020, researchers, editors, publishers, and academic societies.
It is also a popular platform for networking, allowing researchers to learn, share, and discuss their experiences within their network and community, dissertation writing services in singapore 2020. The team, which comprises subject matter experts, academicians, trainers, and technical project managers, are passionate about helping researchers at all levels establish a successful career, both within and outside academia. Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Case Report Part 2. Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Case Report Part 1, dissertation writing services in singapore 2020.
Subscribe for free to get unrestricted access to all our resources on research writing and academic publishing including:. We hate spam too. We promise to protect your privacy and never spam you. Writing Your First Case Report Drafting case reports. Reading time 4 minutes. Drafting case reports. Author Enago Academy. You might also like. Reporting Research. Leave a comment.
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