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They still come to Him privately today, with the same two questions. And for those to who have ears to hear He answers, - privately. About Us Statement of Faith COPYRIGHT RELEASE The articles, PowerPoint presentations, charts, diagrams, and videos on this website by Gavin Finley are offered into the Kingdom of God for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, to "make disciples of all nations".
None of the articles are copyrighted. They are offered freely to all. You may abbreviate them, make abstracts of them, and expand on them as you wish for use in Christian ministry. The articles, in whole or in part, may be linked, copied, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel, or printed out for distribution into any and all venues, media, and publishing outlets without any restriction whatsoever.
The time is late. I WANT this information to go viral. With these articles go my prayers and best wishes to all, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel. Where Will You Spend Eternity? And With Whom? Doug Hamp, Doug Krieger, and Chris Steinle. Doug Krieger has written the book, the Commonwealth Theology which is available on Amazon.
You may read it for free in a Kindle PDF download for your tablet. As we gathered at the "One in Messiah" conference held in Sacramento on Passover in a number of speakers addressed this subject of the Commonwealth of Israel. The Holy One of Israel has a grand plan underway here. In Isaiah He said that He would be finishing up His agenda of reunion, reconciliation, regathering, and restoration.
This will be underway even as the saints take up the witness in the trials of the latter days. Our Messiah will wrap this up Himself, even as the Holy Spirit glory descends in a blowout climax, at the consummation of the age. The Great Commission Dead Sea Scrolls - The Great Isaiah Scroll Click on the scroll to read in English.
Try Isaiah 6 or The Rock at Horeb that Moses struck twice. Click to watch the free online video of the blockbuster discovery made by Jim and Penny Caldwell. The Rock in the Wilderness is four stories tall, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel. Please be dissertation israel assemblies of god israel with whom you share this video.
Tim Warner's breakthrough work on the Mazzaroth, with mp3 audio messages for your iPod or other device. YOUTUBE VIDEOS A-GRADE VIDEOS Sinners in the hands of an angry God, Part 1 and Part 2 by Jonathan Edwards - The New World, The Movie by Ray Comfort, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel. The New World Order by Leonard Ulrich. CHRISTIAN MOVIE TRAILERS 'Beyond the Next Mountain' 'More Than Dreams' 'God's Outlaw' 'Time Changer' 'The Radicals' 'John Wycliffe' 'John Hus' Mp3 AUDIO FILES 'Unfaithful Shepherds' by Tim Warner.
CHRISTIAN BOOK PROMOS 'Kundilini Warning' by Andrew Strom. A KJV Linear Harmony of the Olivet Discourse by William S. Hall Jr. A KJV Linear Harmony of the Four Gospels by William S. Click on the image link to the left to go to a YouTube video of the testimony of Michelle Hamilton, a 22 year old Australian girl swept out into the South China Sea on a small outrigger canoe into a tropical storm. For three days she was lost at sea and there she cried out to find that she was not alone.
Michelle's website is aptly named, Jonah Ministries and the URL is www. au She has a deep appreciation for the Hebraic roots of our faith and an interest in the blood covenant, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel, atonement, and the Feasts of Israel.
There are a number of very wonderful PDF's of Powerpoint teachings on these themes and freely accessible to all available on her website. Click on the Trailer. More Than Dreams For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women � without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians � have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Reports of these supernatural occurrences often come from "closed countries" where preaching the Gospel is forbidden and where converting to Christianity can invoke the death sentence.
A common denominator appears to be that the dreams come to those who are seeking to know and please God. Each found themselves drawn through a strait and difficult gate and into glories they could not have imagined.
The YouTube videos below tell the stories of four of them. The Olivet Discourse. And what will be the sign of your coming, and the sign of the end of the age?
Featured Articles Corrie Ten Boom comments on the current popular Pre-Trib Rapture teachings and brings a word of warning to the church. Graham, wife of Billy Graham, expresses her thoughts concerning the Rapture. Light Evangelism Ministry website Please consider sending a donation to a very worthy but underfunded mission in Africa.
Light Evangelism Ministry LEM is a faithful, well run, and very fruitful mission operating in war torn and Ebola ravaged Liberia and Guinea. You can see what is happening over there if you go to the LEM YouTube Channel Brother Neh-kewon Mark Dahn and his wife Eunice are from Liberia.
They established the ministry in As the civil war began they were forced into exile across the border in the Ivory Coast. There Brother Mark taught himself French and during 7 years he worked as a construction foreman, pastored a church, and worked with SIM. I met Mark in when he was over here in the US completing his Biblical studies at Pensacola Christian College.
Mark lives close by and we have worked closely together dissertation israel assemblies of god israel since. I am the board chairman of the mission and we have some very wonderful board members which include 2 ministers, two physicians and some very enthusiastic and gifted people committed to advance the mission for the glory of God.
The Light Evangelism Ministry was incorporated in the US as a c3 ministry in Our financial statements are readily available and soon to be put up on the website. The mission runs on a shoestring. Brother Mark and his family live on a very limited salary and in very humble circumstances.
Here in the USA Brother Mark serves with Dissertation israel assemblies of god israel seeking ministry partners and raising support for the ministry among the churches. Meanwhile, in West Africa a network of committed native pastors and evangelists are dissertation israel assemblies of god israel assisted by LEM in their ministry. The past ten years have seen over four thousand saved.
The mission campus east of Monrovia includes a guesthouse, a school with students, dormitories for orphans, and a clinic. This last year saw the foundations laid for a church.
There is a Jesus Film outreach and Children's Bible conferences. Many are being nurtured in the faith and churches are being planted in the hinterlands as well as across the borders in Guinea and the Ivory Coast. Widows and orphans of the civil war are being helped and medicines are being dispensed. The mission performed a life-saving food disstribution program during the recent Ebola crisis.
After 15 years of internal conflict there are many amputees. Half of them them have been assembled there in Liberia by the vocational arm of Light Evangelism Ministry. Dissertation israel assemblies of god israel we need more funds to distribute them to those who really dissertation israel assemblies of god israel them desperately in the back country. After 15 years of civil war the roads in Liberia are impassable in the dissertation israel assemblies of god israel season.
Native evangelists and pastors are actually using the bicycles and the motorcycles LEM has provided to share the Gospel. An orphanage and orphan support has been wonderfully assisted by people on our board. When the roads are passable the two Toyota Tacoma pick-up trucks we sent in are carrying the evangelistic crew and the equipment for the "Jesus film" to be shown in villages deep into the back country of Liberia.
Through it all hundreds of lasting commitments are being made to Jesus, dissertation israel assemblies of god israel. Bibles are being provided and new believers are being nurtured in the faith. This is a faithful mission. For those called to be stewards dissertation israel assemblies of god israel the Kingdom of God this a very good investment with eternal rewards. Contributions can be made from the "Donate" button on the bottom of the front page on the Light Evangelism Ministry website or by clicking on the "Donate" button below to the right.
If you prefer you may send a check by mail to the P. Box address below to the left. Light Evangelism Ministry P. Box Pensacola, FLUSA Visits since Nov. of If you would you like to create a link to the End Time Pilgrim website click here. The Saints of Days Past.
Do We Remember Them? Christians in Rome during the third century going up into the arena. This image is from the Mansell Collection. Click on the image to go to Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Recommending some excellent Videos of Church History 'Click' on the images below. Here is a YouTube trailer of this wonderful film. For years Tyndale was hunted down by agents of King Henry VIII and the state licensed Church of England the king established.
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