Contact Us today for PhD Consulting on Thesis, Dissertation and Research Paper writing and editing. Dissertation Help is offered for UK MBA/MSc Dissertations. Get a Revert in 30 According to copyright law, the basic criteria for claiming copyright protection of your work are: The work has to be literary or artistic, e.g. a book, a thesis, an article, a map, a drawing or a painting. The work has to be original and creative. You cannot copy the whole or parts of somebody else’s work and use it as your own My Thesis. Login (Library staff only) In this section. Welcome to Enlighten: Theses. Atom RSS RSS Latest Additions View items added to the repository in the past week. Search Repository Search the repository using a full range of fields. Use the search field at the top of the page for a quick search
Copyright in PhD thesis | Goldsmiths, University of London
Knowledge is valuable. Researchers build on established knowledge and on research results and thoughts communicated by peers. An intrinsic part of being a researcher is publishing and disseminating one's own work. This also involves questions of authorship and rights.
According to copyright law, the basic criteria for claiming copyright protection copyright for phd thesis your work are:. When a work is created, the creator automatically gets copyright. There are no requirements for registration or marking the work as copyright. You have to contribute to the expression of the work to claim authorship. The author must make a substantial contribution to the actual writing of a text; contribution in other ways does not count as authorship under copyright law.
If there are two or more authors whose individual contributions to a work cannot be separated, they acquire the copyright jointly. If you would like further detail, you might take a look at the Norwegian Copyright Act, Åndsverkloven text in Norwegian.
In some instances, you do not have economic rights to your work. This means that you do not always retain the exclusive rights of the copyright holder, which include. A publisher or a journal often requires you to transfer your copyright to them. Open access policies or clauses in your employment contract or funding agreements could prohibit full transfer of copyright. You may have to modify the terms of copyright in the publishing agreement.
If you transfer your copyright to your article to the journal, you should ask the following questions:. Different publishers offer different terms and conditions. Most journals permit a form of self-archiving of your article in an open online archive copyright for phd thesis open access. This is often the 'post-print' version of your article, i.
the version after the peer review process, but before the final, published version. If you write an article-based dissertationcopyright for phd thesis, you have the copyright to the introductory chapter. However, you may have to check the copyright policies for each journal you publish your articles in before you make them available in the institutional archive.
The library at your institution can help you to find out whether the dissertation can be openly published or not. Perform a search for a specific journal by title or ISSN to access information on what you as an author are permitted to do: for instance, copyright for phd thesis, perform a search for the journal Nordic Studies in Education level 1 in the system of approved publication channels in Norway.
Here, you are allowed to self-archive pre-print i. pre-refereeing and post-print i. If you publish in an open access journal, copyright for phd thesis, such as copyright for phd thesis of the journals published by the Scandinavian University Pressyour work will be openly available under a Creative Commons licence.
Creative Commons is an organization that enables the sharing and use of creative, literary and scientific work through free legal tools. Visit the Creative Commons page to choose the correct licence, copyright for phd thesis, or read more about the different licences defined by the organization. Marking your work with a licence is useful if you want to give users of the work more rights, or just remind them of your rights.
If you actively use social media for disseminating your research, this could be a sensible idea when copyright for phd thesis put your work online. Patent protection may also mean that sharing your work will involve certain considerations. For instance, discussing and disseminating research in print or orally can lead to refusal of a patent application. Your material has been used in contravention of your copyright, e. someone has used your work and has not attributed it to you.
If not, as a last resort, file a formal legal complaint in the court system. The material in question is: [Give a full citation, a description of the material and where it is published] [Give a description of why the use is an infringement of your copyright. Example: Under copyright laws, Copyright for phd thesis have the exclusive right to make this image available to the public.
Reusing the image online is not allowed, even if you cite my work. These rules are strict when it comes to making works like images, illustrations, etc. electronically available.
If you need further details on this matter, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail, [e-mail address]] To avoid further action, please take one of the following steps [depending on the material in question, remove text below that is not relevant]. Eventually, court action may be a solution. Please also notify me when the steps have been taken. Yours sincerely. Does anyone else hold copyright to material you plan to publish in your work?
Be especially aware of pictures, illustrations, copyright for phd thesis, tables, etc. made by others that you want to publish in a journal or a book printed or electronic or on the Internet, since you may have to ask for permission from the copyright owner.
Often referencing and acknowledgement are enough, but if you do not have the rights to reproduce a work, you have to seek permission. This could be from the author, a journal, a publisher or another rights copyright for phd thesis that has been assigned the rights. If the work has fallen into the public domain, the work is free to use, copyright for phd thesis, but you still have to acknowledge the creator. Authors are required to follow copyright laws that apply in the country in which the copyright protected material is used.
Copyright, moral right and ethics Authors always keep their moral rights, such as being acknowledged, when assigning their copyright to others. For most academic authors, these moral rights are valuable. Knowledge is created by authors building on other authors' work, copyright for phd thesis, and by being citedauthors become known and recognised. You may quote from a published, copyright-protected work when this is done in accordance with proper copyright for phd thesis and to the extent necessary to achieve the desired purpose this is regulated by Section 29 of the Norwegian Copyright Act.
Using another author's work without giving credit is plagiarism. Republishing of images is most copyright for phd thesis not covered by the right to quote. If you plan to reproduce a work e. a work of art, a figure, a map etcyou will usually have to ask for permission. Academic integrity is a keyword here. Ethics involves both respecting copyright and moral right.
Ethical issues in the publication of research copyright for phd thesis co-authorshipself-citation, privacy, collecting and preserving data in a secure way. How to obtain permission?
Some publishers or journals have copyright clearing centers or similar arrangements, and some electronic journals even offer clearance directly from the article's webpage.
Check out the actual work you want to use; if it is posted online, copyright clearing features may be included. A so-called extended collective licence may also exist for the material you want to use.
This means that an organization has cleared the rights for specific copyrighted material. Then you do not have to clear copyright permission. In Norway these rights management organizations manage collective licences: KopinorBonoFonoGramoNorwaco and Tono. If such a licence does not exist, you should in general clear copyright through one of these rights management organizations. If the author is from outside your country, you should contact the rights management organization s there. If such an organization does not exist or the organization tells you to contact the copyright copyright for phd thesis you must contact the copyright holder directly.
Contact the copyright holder and state what kind of publication you will use the material in, where it will be published, what publisher will publish it, and copyright for phd thesis it is for commercial sale.
a publisher, a journal or the author] Dear [name] I am currently writing my PhD dissertation at [your institution] and want to publish [example: an article in journal xxx, both in print and online, or example: an article on this blog xxx, link to webpage].
I am requesting permission to include the following material in this publication: [Add full citation, to clearly identify what you will be using] [Briefly describe your work and add something about why you want to use the work, so that the copyright holder understands in which context the material will be used. If you do not hold the right, please inform me of the correct copyright holder and provide me with the necessary contact information, copyright for phd thesis. The permission will only cover non-commercial use of the work as described here, copyright for phd thesis, and the work will be properly cited, copyright for phd thesis.
Do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail [e-mail address] if you feel additional information is needed. Your permission will be greatly appreciated. A work is in the public domain if it is no longer under copyright protection.
You can also find Creative Commons-licensed content. The Creative Commons website. You can find images which you are free to use, share, remix or build upon, depending on the Creative Commons licence attached to them. You can find images and other types of material by searching for images, videos, music, etc, copyright for phd thesis. via the Creative Commons website.
Examples of some other websites where you might find images free to use: Google Image Search. Use the option for Google Advanced Image Search, and remember to make sure that you choose the appropriate licence, copyright for phd thesis, which you will find under the choices for usage rights. It might also be good practice to check again making sure that the image in question really is free to use the way you want. You can search directly for images with different kinds of Creative Commons licences.
Museum or library collections. Many museums and libraries around the world have attached Creative Commons licences to images in their collections. The National Library of Norway has several image collectionswhich are free to use, copyright for phd thesis.
A Norwegian example of a library collection is The Picture Collection at the University of Bergen Library, an archive of historic photographs. Another example is the NTNU University Library Special Collection photos, drawings, maps etc. Some institutions might also have dedicated parts of their collections to the public domainand equipped them with a Creative Commons Zero licence CC0.
One example of a museum having dedicated some of the images in its collection to the public domain is The Metropolitan Museum in New York. Creative Commons licences Norwegian Copyright ActÅndsverkloven text in Norwegian.
Tips for Writing Thesis - Dissertation
, time: 6:16
There are two main ways for you to file for copyright of your thesis or dissertation: You may empower ProQuest to file the application on your behalf. When you submit your thesis or dissertation, ProQuest Alternately, you may file for copyright directly. Visit the following U.S. Copyright website 07/08/ · Example of unpublished thesis: Kyei-Nimakoh, M , ‘Management and referral of obstetric complications: a study in the upper east region of Ghana’, PhD thesis, Victoria University, Melbourne. Please note: A thesis can come in a number of formats, i.e. they can be published, unpublished or retrieved from a database Contact Us today for PhD Consulting on Thesis, Dissertation and Research Paper writing and editing. Dissertation Help is offered for UK MBA/MSc Dissertations. Get a Revert in 30
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